Friday, 12 December 2008


Many people working in the field of nutrition must have been puzzled recently by apparently conflicting press reports of an important study in Aylesbury Young Offenders Institution which showed significant reductions in anti-social behaviour, following provision of dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals. Violent offences fell by almost 40% among those who took nutritional supplements, but there was no significant change among those who took a carefully matched placebo.

Similar headline reports of this work were given wide publicity in most national newspapers. The findings were published in the British Journal of Psychiatry and were seen as an important breakthrough in the currently fruitless war against crime, not only in prisons but even, perhaps, among the general population.

Yet within a week or so wide press publicity was given to an apparently contradictory study of anti-oxidants on coronary heart disease, cancer, and other chronic disorders. It was stated inbanner headlines that 'Vitamin pills are a waste of time and money'. Most nutritionalists will be familiar with such views from the conventionally minded So, what is the truth?

In fact, both views may be correct, but they are simply not comparable. (Actually, the conclusions drawn by the authors of the negative anti-oxidant study are at variance with many more positive reports in the medical literature).

In the anti-oxidant study, a connection was sought between dietary levels of three anti-oxidant vitamins (E, C, and รข-carotene) and the incidence ofcoronary heart disease etc. No connections were found. And, what is more to the point, no behavioural studies were reported.

On the other hand, the Aylesbury study was concerned exclusively with the effects of diet on behaviour in a prison environment. Moreover, only the three anti-oxidants noted above were studied, whereas over fifteen micro nutrients were used at Aylesbury. It is clear that the negative results from the anti-oxidant project were irrelevant to the strongly positive findings at Aylesbury.

The key findings from the Aylesbury study were that young criminals in jail behave better and commit significantly fewer offences, includingviolence, when their diet is moderately supplemented with essential vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. The effects were found in prisoners who showed no signs or symptoms of malnutrition.

A major aspect of the Aylesbury study is the meticulous attention paid to statistical analysis of the results.Professor Copas, the Home Office's statistical reviewer, stated as follows: ‘This is the only trial I have ever been involved with from the social sciences which is designed properly and witha good analysis'

Follow-up studies are being planned, but it is already evident that the authors of the Aylesbury work may have identified one of the most important yet neglected factors inhuman affairs.

Thus the findings at Aylesbury would appear to have far-reaching implications. Behaviour covers a wide range of human activities beyond crime. This includes education, mental health, economics, politics and the administration of public affairs: and even the perennial philosophical problems of good and evil, right and wrong. You can't get much more fundamental than that!

Nothing in this review should be taken to suggest that faulty nutrition acts on its own. Social and genetic factors would have to be considered in any broader review of behavioural phenomena. It is the past neglect of these to which the Aylesbury findings so compellingly draw attention.

Professor. D. Bryce-Smith
(GGA Honorary advisor)

For further information see C.B. Gesch et al, Br. J. Psychiatry, 2002, 181, 22-28:
New Scientist, 2002, 16th November, PP. 3, 38-41

Monday, 1 December 2008

Winter 2007 Editorial

I can't wait to get started this year for not only a new growing season awaits but also new opportunities are emerging and this is exciting.

Last year was our year for creating business plans and funding applications. What a challenge this was! And oh, what a waiting game we had to play. But much of the agony is over and I am delighted and thrilled to be able to tell you that we have secured some funding to employ a Part Time Education Development Officer. Not only have we got the money to do this but in a mad flurry in the month of December 07 we were able to advertise and appoint an excellent person by the name of Jane Renton to start the work on developing Sowing the Seed at the beginning of January 08.

The money has come from various sources but in particular it is thanks to the Ernest Cook Trust that we are able to begin seriously developing this project. The only condition, which suits us at this stage of development, is that the projects must happen in the Gloucestershire area. Once Jane (a GGA member) has developed the project the plan is to expand beyond the boundaries of Gloucestershire and begin recruiting volunteers to help run Sowing the Seed in their own local schools. I hope that come the next news journal (Spring) she will be ready to begin a regular article to keep every one up to date with its development.

On the subject of Sowing the Seed, I shall continue writing up the lectures I delivered to the Acorn School in June 2007.1 have to say I am finding it hard to take the spoken word and convert it into a written article and harder still to limit the number of words. This issue, I am sure you will notice, is dominated by me. I hope you find it readable and informative. The work I am presenting here will at some later date be used to compile a booklet to help describe and articulate what Moving Beyond Organic is all about. Please comment as you feel fit, it's always good to hear from you and get some feedback.

I have at least found space to run some articles from a few of our usual contributors so you don't just have to listen to me going on.

Alison Ensor shares her experience of crop rotations that she has used systematically each year to clear a little more ground - without digging - to grow vegetables. Alison's permaculture approach coupled with her knowledge and experience of promoting wildlife gardening shines through as usual.

Charles Dowding provides us with some thoughts and inspiration with an article on Winter Gardening. It's that time of year again to make plans, get the soil prepared and start thinking about what you are going to grow this year.

In contrast to Alison's article and contrary to popular advice and opinion about the need for rotation it may surprise you to hear Mike Mason's experience of growing carrots without rotation. In an area where the soil does not best suit carrot growing Mike is now into his fourth year of growing them in the same space with surprising results and in the process has made his wife, who loves carrots, very happy. What a wonderful gift he has created for not just his wife but possibly the life in the soil as well. It's an interesting idea to contemplate that by not disturbing the soil year on year the soil ecology has been allowed to flourish naturally to the benefit of everyone.

Finally, with reference to Moving Beyond Organic, keep your eyes and ears open this year and try to make a mental note of how many news articles and relevant stories you hear to do with nutrition, food quality, health and sustainability. They are all connected and are becoming hot topics rising to the top of many people's thoughts and concerns. As of Jan 08 the new organic standards allowing 0.9% GM contamination are just one issue I am sure you will all hear about. If only we could settle this by growing food to a minimum nutritional standard - would these issues still persist?

Happy New Year!

Matt Adams

The above is taken from the GGA quarterly News Journal. You can join GGA here